Frequently Asked Questions

About LinQsport

LinQsport is an app that is a dedicated social platform for multi-activity on mobile devices that bring the online and offline world together. Groups and Individuals can LinQ, follow, share & LinQup to participate in their favourite sports and activities.

LinQsport helps respond to some key challenges, as well as tackling numerous historical barriers to participation across all under-represented groups. The LinQsport app makes it easier for everyone to be active as part of their daily life by providing social connections through sport and physical activity.

Often, you’ve probably found yourself wanting to play sports or do physical activity but require someone to participate with as well as, not knowing where to play. Linqsport addresses this problem using it

LinQsport’s vision is to connect people through the joy of sport – locally, nationally and internationally. We know that being active in itself is hugely important to supporting good mental health and wellbeing, but it also provides the opportunity to create the solid social connections that can help local communities to thrive which we strive to improve. Furthermore, Diversity and inclusion in sport is a key mission for LinQsport and we are hoping the app can help improve this also, so it is easier for everyone to participate in physical activity and sport.


Facebook:  LinQsport

Instagram: linqsport

Twitter:      LinQsport



To change or reset your password when logged out, click Forgotten Password? Then enter your account’s email address to send a rest password link to email.

To update your sports, click Manage on your Profile. Then select or deselect your sports accordingly by clicking on the chosen sport. Confirm your chosen sports by clicking Update.

To update your ability for a sport, click Manage on your Profile. Then click Update which will then allow you to select your ability accordingly. Confirm your ability by clicking Update.

To change or update your bio, click on the Edit Icon found in the top right corner on your profile where you will find the option to edit your bio.

To change or update you profile picture, click on your profile picture on your profile and then click on the Edit Icon. Either upload a photo by clicking on Camera and then taking a new photo or click on Photos where you can then select a photo in your camera roll.

You are able to logout of your account by scrolling to the bottom of your profile and then clicking on Logout and then Yes.


Using the App

First by clicking on the Plus Icon at the bottom of the screen, the app will ask whether you would like the LinQup to be private and whether you require a title & description by using the toggles. Then enter the LinQup details accordingly.

  • Click on Activity to select your chosen activity.
  • Click on Ability to select the ability in which you would like the activity to be carried out at.
  • Click on Location and then use the search bar to select your location.
  • Click on Date & Time to select the time and date of your LinQup by swiping up or down accordingly.
  • To select the Max Number of people, use the slider and move left or right accordingly to how many people you are looking to LinQup with.

Once you are happy with the details of your LinQup, click Create LinQup.

Click on LinQup and then Hosting. Scroll accordingly to the LinQup you would like to cancel and click Cancel.

Click on LinQup and then Hosting. Scroll accordingly to your chosen LinQup and click Details. Then click Invite and type the name of the user you would like to invite using the search bar.

Once you have found the LinQup that you wish to join, click on Join LinQup. The host of the LinQup will then have to accept your request to the LinQup to confirm that you have joined.

To filter your LinQup search by activity click on your chosen Activity’s Icon on Discover. Once chosen, only LinQups of your chosen activity will appear.

To filter you LinQup search by distance, time and date, click on the Filter Icon. Use the slider accordingly to select your distance limit for where potential LinQups are located. Use the buttons to specify the time and date range for your LinQup search. Confirm your search filters by clicking Apply.

To message another user on LinQsport, firstly search the name of the user by clicking on People on the Discover screen and then click on Message to then be able to type your message to the selected user.

Secondly, you can message another user by clicking on Create on the Message screen and then searching for the user’s name. By clicking on the selected user, you can then type your message.

To accept a request to join your LinQup, navigate to Hosting via the LinQup screen. Then find your chosen LinQup and click on Details where you will find the option to accept requests for your LinQup.

When creating a LinQup firstly, press the top switch to enable you to add a title and description.

You will then see an Upload Image button appear which you can then press and will ask whether you want to upload an existing photo or take a new photo using your camera.

Once you have your photo loaded you will need to adjust and crop the image accordingly to the guideline given.

When you are happy with your image press done and your image will be successfully added to your LinQup.

To follow another user firstly, you will need to navigate yourself to the profile you wish to follow.

You can do this by either selecting on the users profile picture or by searching using the search tool found in the top right of the Home page.

Once on the selected profile you wish to follow, press on the follow button found on the top of the screen.

The button will then change to an unfollow button which you can then press to unfollow that user.

To post, make sure you are on the home page of the app.

Then by pressing the Green Plus button at the bottom of the screen it will provide you with the option to type a status or link.

You can also add a photo by pressing the attach button where you can choose a existing photo or take new photo from your camera.

To like a post or LinQup, find the post that you want to like and press on the like button found at the bottom of the post.

To unlike the post simply press the like button again.

To comment on a post or LinQup, press the comment button found at the bottom of each post.

Then press on the add a comment box where you can then start typing.

Once you have finished typing your comment press post and the comment will be successfully posted.

Here you will also be able to other people’s comments on the post or LinQup.

To share a post or LinQup, press on the share button found at the bottom of each post or LinQup.

By doing so, this will provide you with a unique link which you can then share to your other social media accounts as well as, other messaging platforms.

Once you have shared your link, people will be able to press on your link and it will take them straight to your post or LinQup if they have the app downloaded.

Alternatively, if they do not have the app it will direct them to the app or google play store for them to then download and sign up.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Send us an email and the LinQsport support team will be able to answer your question to improve you experience with LinQsport.

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